Jake and Boston

Friendship Lunch for Reconciliation Week


Thank you to our grade 6 leaders who ran a very successful friendship lunch which included reading stories about indigenous Australian's and their culture, and also playing some First Nations children's games. 



Healthy Harold from Life Education




Prep and Grade 1


Navy and Nicola


"We did bowling because it was Ms Fourniotis' birthday and she went bowling with her friends. Miss Walker looked outside and then told us to bring a whiteboard and a texta and there were bowling pins and balls outside.  We bowled the ball and knocked over the pins. We counted how many we knocked down and how many were still standing up."




Grade 1 Visit to The Crescent Aged Care Home


Jonathan 1F: "First we went on the bus and then we went inside and we started singing. There were lots of older people there. We sang Waltzing Matilda, Brumby Jack, Wombat on a Surfboard, I want a Pony, and Don Gato. I felt great and proud of myself and the other grade ones. I think the residents really enjoyed it."


Vivi 1B: "We went on a big white bus to get there and my partner was Arya. We went inside and we saw some elderly people sitting there waiting for us. When we started singing I was a bit nervous but excited. The first song was I want a Pony, which has a lot of repeated words. The old people smiled and clapped at the end of each song. They told us that they would love for Brighton Beach Primary School to come back another time and sing again."





Grade 2


Macy and Annie (2P) "We are reading a story with the digraphs 'gn' and 'kn' and highlighting all the words. And then we are writing our own story using those digraphs. We also watched the Scratchy Garden video with a cheese who told us about the kn digraph and the k is always silent if it is next to the n."


Annie and Macy
Annie and Macy



Grades 3 and 4

The Hub have been super engaged in writing and publishing information reports about their chosen animals and are thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to explore different ways to present their researched and summarised information through technology. This term's science biology focus has been further enhanced by a visit to the zoo today. We look forward to sharing our learnings with you. Many thanks to our helpers who came along. 


Grades 5 and 6

Well done to our senior students, production rehearsals are ramping up and students are working hard to remember their lines. Please check the Production section of this newsletter for details.


Grade 6 Leadership Action projects begin this week - students have decided on one action that they are taking within their leadership role this term to impact school change in the areas of either school connectedness, cultural diversity or bully prevention - areas chosen by our analysis of 2023 Attitudes to School survey data. 


Well done to the following captains, who action their projects this week:

School Captains – teaching lessons to grade 1 about the 6Rs

Grainger Captains– running a sport session for grade 2 to build enthusiasm for sport

ICT Captains - running cybersafety sessions for grade 3

Student Agency Captains – facilitating a survey to grade 4-6 to unpack what makes learning fun, which will be fed back to the teachers. 


More exciting initiatives to come!