
Reconciliation Week Creations 




Donations sought!

Footy/Soccer/Netball Records and any Children suitable programs

Do you ever go to the Footy and pick up an AFL record?

Or attend a game of National Netball and grab a program? 

If you do and have any old or current records/magazines that you can spare, we would love them in the Library.  They are tremendously popular with our students as well as being excellent resources for learning mathematical concepts such as statistics.

Donations can be dropped on Sophie's Desk or at the Front Desk with Benita.


Left: Library Captains and assistants facilitating activities after reading  'Bowerbird' by Aura Parker.  'Bowerbird' was this year's National Simultaneous Storytime book.  Which over 2 million people in libraries across Australia enjoyed reading at the same time!

You might like to ask your children what colour objects  the Bowerbird likes to decorate their nest with, as well as the suprising place the nest is sited!.  Students created individual Bowerbirds as well as creating a striking collage. 


Below: Harry creating his very own Bowerbird!

Tex and friend adding extra movement and texture to our Bowerbird.