Arts News

Congratulations to Year Twelve artist, Xanthe O’Neill. 

Her oil painting ‘Painted Ladies’ has been selected as an entrant in the prestigious St Georges Art Award, held at St Georges Cathedral in Perth in July. 

Wilfred Gordon Macdonald Partridge

We are excited to be having the regional tour of Mem Fox’s beloved Wilfred Gordon Macdonald Partridge here at School performed by Spare Parts Puppet Theatre. This will be a great treat. The play explores relationships between young and old and sharing special memories. It is very heartwarming.


The performance will be on Tuesday 11 June at 9.10am in the Drama Hall. 

All Year Sevens, Kindergarten and Years Eleven and Twelve Drama students will be attending the performance. As part of the performance Spare Parts, we need some grandparents to volunteer to play some small roles that involve sharing a story about an object. 


If you have a grandparent who would like to participate, we would love to hear from you! 


Here is a message from Spare Parts:


Please contact for further information.


Ms Rachel Mordy | Head of the Arts