Primary School

It has been a wonderful week in the Primary School. It was one of those weeks that really showed what Great Southern Grammar is proud of: from the glorious comments about the behaviour of students on Year Four camp to the commitment of staff and the united front in understanding the importance of Reconciliation Week. 


Our students have access and exposure to so many activities, but it is the commitment, camaraderie and culture of our students that really make these activities and experiences a success. We hope everyone had a wonderful and restful long weekend as we gear up for the final four weeks of term. 



Culture, Engagement and Excellence 

Year Four Camp 

Curious minds experiencing 

Amazing adventures by 

Motivated learners with 

Positive attitudes! 


Last week, 32 Year Four students set off on their camp under questionable weather conditions. These questionable weather conditions added another dimension to our first four stops. Thank you to our expert camp guest, Mr Tone Ritchie, who imparted his wisdom to our Fabulous Fours. 


The Wind Farm: The 18 wind turbines, which generate up to 80% of Albany's electrical requirements, were producing the maximum output as we had winds of 53km/h. 

We are Fans of the Wind Farm! 


The Sand Patch: We enjoyed the scenery and strong breeze as we tackled the close to 500 steps down to the Sand Patch beach. Coming up was more of a challenge even with the wind at our backs, but the spectacular coastal views made it worthwhile. 

Descending to Sand Patch Bliss! 


The Gap: A total drenching at The Gap but not from the rain! We braved the surging power of the Southern Ocean and strong winds to explore this geographical wonder. 

 Drenched in Adventure! 


The Natural Bridge: The Natural Bridge is a great example of how erosion, hydraulic action, abrasion, and weathering create landforms. 


Camp Quaranup: Unpacked and organised, Geke won the points for the first dorm inspection then on to Minute to Win It where Baudin took out first prize! Due to the rough weather, Capture the Lantern was turned into a Year Four Has Talent. Congratulations to all with special mentions for Grace, Elke and Juliet, and Chloe and Stephanie. 

Campers dive into the Minute to Win It Challenges!  


Connecting with History: Thanks to Larry who guided us on what was and now is the site of Quaranup Camp. The medicinal properties and traditional uses of our native plants with the identification of carnivorous bushes and clover left us wanting more. 

Discovering Nature’s Treasures! 


Archery: Bullseye credits go to Olivia and Clare. 

Aiming for fun at the archery range. 


Shelter Building: No one came out dry with our wonderful GAP assistant helpers and shelter quality control testers, Paige and Lachie. 

Building memories and tying up adventures! 


Sensational Walk: With blacked-out goggles or glasses, the Year Fours were taken on an adventurous walk, played a game of Rob the Nest, and followed a roped course around, over, and under obstacles. This was a lot of fun for the observer! 

Journey of trust! 


Point Possession Walk: The spectacular Point Possession heritage trail takes in the stunning headland of the Vancouver Peninsular. 

Scaling new heights for magnificent views!  


Congratulations to all Year Four students for being resilient, happy campers who achieved amazing feedback from all the people that they met. Thank you to all those people who made the Year Four Camp so successful. 


Briefing News 

ECC Briefing  

A short week in the ECC after a well-deserved long weekend. The students were part of the Reconciliation Week activities, and some of the work is on display in our foyer. This week the Year One students are excited to design their playgrounds ready for building; the Pre-Primary students have been working on activities around the Three Little Pigs; the Kindergarten students are reading the Little Red Hen and went to see the school chickens; and the Year Two class are learning all about mixtures.  


Star Awards 

Kindergarten – Eric Chen 

Pre-Primary – Elleanor-Grace Danso 

Year One – Amaia Scott 

Year Two – Dane Pyle 


Upcoming Events 

Week Nine 

Tuesday 11 June – Kindergarten Spare Parts Puppet Play, 9.10am in the Hall 

Thursday 13 June – Years Five and Six Eagles Cup Final Centennial Park ,1.15pm to 2.30pm 


Week Ten 

Tuesday 18 June – Wilson Day 

Wednesday 19 June – Year Six Paul Litherland Guest Speaker  

Thursday 20 June – Primary Interschool Cross Country, 12.00pm to 2.45pm 

Friday 21 June – P&F Djinda Family Event, ECC, 3.00 pm to 4.00pm 


Enjoy the weekend.  

Mrs Hayley Ranger and Miss Carys Nichols | Acting Heads of Primary