From the Chaplain

I wanted to share a Bible story that the Year Five students were learning about a couple of weeks ago. They had to find emojis that matched what was happening in the story.  

What do you think the story is?  Here are Emily and Jessica’s emojis:



And Roxy and Elora’s:

The story is about Lazarus.  

  1. Jesus is told that Lazarus is sick.
  2. Jesus mysteriously says that Lazarus’ sickness will glorify him and he stays where he is.
  3. Lazarus then dies and is placed in a tomb.
  4. Four days later, Jesus went to visit Lazarus.  His sister Martha says, ‘Jesus, if you had been here, my brother would not have died, but I know that God will do whatever you ask.’
  5. Jesus said to Martha, ’I am the resurrection and the life.  Your brother will live again.’
  6. Jesus then went to the tomb and saw people crying.  ‘Jesus wept’ (the smallest verse in the bible).
  7. Jesus told them to open the tomb.  Martha said, ‘But Lord, he has been dead for four days and there will be a bad smell.’
  8. Jesus told Martha to have faith and then shouted, ‘Lazarus come out!’  Lazarus then came out of the tomb, wrapped in bandages.
  9. Jesus showed the people that he had power over death.  Jesus promises that whoever has faith in him will live forever with him in heaven.

This story shows us that God is never late.  We may pray for things and wonder why God is taking such a long time to answer, but God always gives us what we need at the right time.  It might seem that all is lost, but God can see the bigger picture and has everything under control. 


As Shirley Ann says, ‘Things need to look hopeless to the natural so that He can do something completely supernatural… all so that we can see it and believe. Sometimes it may seem that it’s all over. It may seem that He has waited too late. But the truth is, He is always right on time.


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain