From the Deputy Principal

Asking great questions

As we approach the end of term and perhaps asking 'when will it all end?', I encourage all of us to stay curious and remember there are other, more interesting and nurturing questions we can ask.  Dean James Ryan from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in his address to graduates shares five essential questions:

  1. “Wait, what?”  With this question, the focus is on the importance of inquiry before advocacy.   We are reminded that it is important to properly understand an idea before we choose to advocate for it or against it. The “wait” part of the question reminds us to slow down to make sure understanding sinks in.  
  2. “I wonder.”  There are two paths we can take with this question.   “I wonder why...” is the beginning of question that sparks curiosity about the world around us, and  “I wonder if” can be a way to start thinking about how we can improve the world around us.  
  3. “Couldn’t we at least…?” When we’re feeling stuck, we can use this question to help us get unstuck.  When we’re not sure where we will end up, this question can help us begin.   
  4. “How can I help?”  How we help matters as much as that we do help.  Ryan explains that when “you ask “how” you can help, you are asking, with humility, for direction. 
  5. “What truly matters?”  We can use this question personally: “What truly matter to me?”  or we can look at this question to guide us in our work.

When it feels like we may be tempted to waiver in our commitment to what matters and inquire about when it will all be over, perhaps we can renew our energy by simply focusing on a different question.

GSG Musical Production

We are very excited to announce that GSG will be presenting a musical production of Disney’s version of Aladdin Junior at the Albany Entertainment Centre on 28 and 29 March 2025.  


Today we met with interested students to share more information and answer some questions.  We were able to confirm that yes, you do have to sing in a musical production; that the lead roles will allocated to the right person for the role, not the oldest person auditioning; and that we probably won't have a live monkey in this production.


The production includes all your favourite songs and characters from the original film. The fun will start with auditions!  After auditions, we will start rehearsing at the beginning of Term Four this year. Taking part in a production of this size, in a professional venue, helps develop your confidence, teamwork and resilience along with developing your dramatic and musical skills.  Most importantly, you'll make memories to last a lifetime!


Auditions for parts (acting, dancing and singing) in Aladdin will take place during Week Seven of Term Three.  The first round of auditions will take place in the Music Building on Wednesday 28 August and on Thursday August 29 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.  You only need to attend one audition session so please nominate which audition session you will attend on the form here.  Please indicate your interest by Friday 14 June.  

Update on road works on Ulster Road

A note from Water Corporation


Our authorised contractor, DM Civil, will be completing some early service locating work along Ulster Road from 21 to 31 May, in preparation for the upcoming project to replace a wastewater pipeline.


This service locating will include temporary short stop-start single-lane traffic control along Ulster Road, at progressing locations. For the safety of road users and our workers please follow all speed limits and traffic signs.


The contractor will commence mobilising to site, for setting up in week commencing 10 June. Project traffic management and road closures will commence later in June.


Further information, including traffic management, timings and team contact details for the project can be found here, or searching “Ulster Road Pipeline Replacement”. 


We also encourage you to sign up via the webpage for regular updates on the Project and associated traffic management.


Thank you – Water Corporation Project Team


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal