From the Principal

The Art of Finishing Well


With only three weeks remaining, Term Two is slowly but surely coming to an end. However, there is a great deal of learning to be done and milestones to achieve.


As a school, we are reaching the 'final quarter' of the game. As such, there can be a danger that we limp to the end of the term, losing sight of some of the most important learning moments.


We may find the morning routine and 'get-ups' become harder for everyone, fatigue is setting in and interactions with each other can be a little short at times.  However, the art of finishing the term well grounds us, reminds us of what is important, and sets us up for the future.


Currently, students in Years Ten and Eleven are working on completing the end-of-semester exams, with Year Twelves having just finished.  Exams represent the culmination of 20 weeks of learning. Some students are achieving as expected, some are excelling, and some are a little disappointed.


Secondary School students are receiving feedback from their teachers and exploring what content knowledge and skills require further improvement. This is important. Students who do not engage in this process of reflection in the 'final quarter', can and do jeopardise improvement and future success.


In the sporting and music arenas, there are games to be had and milestone concerts and productions to prepare for. Continual effort and the pursuit of excellence are paramount. Finishing the term well is dependent on the engagement of student and staff, and their motivation to give their best in these final three weeks. 


In the Primary School, students are completing units of inquiry and are currently evaluating their findings and drawing conclusions from their learning. Maintaining their commitment to the learning process until the end of the term makes new-found knowledge concrete and nurtures deeper understandings.


I challenge all students (and adults) to demonstrate determination and perseverance at this time to ensure we all finish the term well. The benefit of embracing this art is significant, as it further strengthens purpose, values, and continued growth.


Go well for the 'final quarter'.


Mr Mathew Irving | Principal


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

Galatians 6:9 NLT