School Information

Front Office

Front Office hours: Mon-Fri,  8:30am-4:30pm

Ph: 9091 8100

Parents should always sign in at the Front Office when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children. Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.


Student absences should be reported to the school before 8:50am either through Compass, or by contacting one of our attendance officers:

Year 7 and 8 - Jenny Richards   Ph: 9091 8136

Year 9 and 10 - Morgan Rose   Ph: 9091 8133 

Year 11 and 12 - Jenny Guarnaccia   Ph: 9091 8162 


MSA students only

When there will be an absence due to a sporting commitment, parents/carers are required to complete this online form:

MSA Reception

Hours: 8:30am-5pm

Ph: 9091 8160


Parents/carers who need assistance accessing Compass, including password resets, please contact the Front Office on 9091 8100.

Uniform Shop

DCS Uniforms has a uniform shop on site at Maribyrnong College in A-block.

Hours:    Mon 8-9am, Wed 3-4pm


Careers & Pathways



Ph: 9091 8123




Ph: 9091 8122

College Leadership

Principal - Michael Keenan


Assistant Principals:

Junior School / Student Wellbeing & Engagement - Bernadette Caulfield

Middle School / Teaching & Learning - Kath Wharton

Senior School / Operations - Mark Jones

Director of Communications, Marketing & Engagement - Tayatea Mackenzie

Director of Sports Academy - Mark McAllion


Business Managers:

Finance - Daniela Ristevska

HR - Mel Gramatakos


Head of Year 7 - Anita Smyth

Head of Year 8 - Rachel Collins

Head of Year 9 - Bec Kerwin

Head of Year 10 - Kaisha Corkery-Lavender

Head of Year 11 - Tim Fletcher

Head of Year 12 - Fiona Walker


Head of Teaching & Learning - Emily Frawley

Head of English - Meg Warren

Head of Mathematics - Bazil Sidiropoulos

Head of Humanities - Aaron Walklate

Head of Science - James Maybon

Head of Performing Arts - Ben Dalton

Head of Art / Tech - Jacqueline McMaster

Head of Languages/EAL - Christina Fiasco

Head of Health & PE - Aaron Hester


Inclusive Practice Coordinator - Gabby Condello

Student Wellbeing Coordinator - Leah White

Vocational Major Manager - Bec Jepson

Student Leadership  / Respectful Relationships Coordinator - Rose O'Connor

Sports & Competitions Coordinator - Ben Walklate


MSA Talent Manager - Leigh Holmes

MSA Education Manager - Erin Walklate

MSA Performance Services Manager - Dean Benton

MSA Sports Program Manager - Dean Russ

School Council

President - Tony Baldwin

Vice President - Terry Runciman

Treasurer - Mark Campbell


Parent members:

Maria Giordmaina

Aneta Schultz

Aqsa Javed

Michelle Ballentine

Christian Brown

Megan Taylor

Sandra Denis


Student members:

Deanna Leong

Lochson Pham

Aquelly Laqui


Staff members:

Michael Keenan

Bernadette Caulfield

Mark McAllion

Sage Balassa

Leah White

Daniela Ristevska*

Janet Pennington*

Mark Jones*

Kath Wharton*

Tayatea Mackenzie*


Privacy and insurance information for parents and carers


During the ordinary course of your child’s attendance at our school, school staff will collect your child’s personal and health information when necessary to educate your child, or to support your child’s social and emotional wellbeing or health.

Read the Schools Privacy Collection Statement here.



Maribyrnong College does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. We strongly encourage all parents and carers to have up-to-date ambulance cover. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of any medical expenses such as ambulance costs if their child is injured or requires an ambulance at school, or whilst participating in a school activity. Parents and carers can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers. The Department’s Claims for Property Damage and Medical Expenses Policy can be found here


College policies can be accessed via our website:


Students are encouraged to place lunch orders (before 8:50am on the day). 

Reminder: students cannot use mobile phones to pay. Students must pay with cash or card.