Auslan Report

This fortnight in Auslan, Students will learn about colour and practise signing individual colours including the sign for rainbow. For Grade Prep-two’s, the activities will include drawing a rainbow, signing each colour and the Rainbow song. Grade 3-6 students will engage in a Colour Bingo game where they need to identify the colour a person has signed and then mark it on the colour bingo grid. Students will also learn everyday signs which will include words such as again, which, where, come, stop, go, stand, sit, toilet and finish. They will learn "How are you?” with the responses “good” and “bad”. 


When learning Auslan there are the 5 language parameters or the key elements of Auslan. These include:


H – HANDSHAPE – The handshape(s) used for a sign


O – ORIENTATION – Which direction the palms and fingers are facing


L – LOCATION – The position near the face or body


M – MOVEMENT – The movement that the hand or sign makes



                       – Facial Expression and Body Language


Keep updated on learning Auslan each fortnight in our community newsletter! Please click on the video links to see a demonstration of finger spelling the word ‘mum’, signing ‘hello’ and ‘I’m good’.