Literacy Support

MacqLit and MiniLit SAGE


This year we will be running two programs that offer additional support for those students across Years 1-6 who would benefit from extra support in literacy.


Students will be identified for these programs based on relevant testing data. There are several tests scores that will be considered, including students’ decoding skills and their ability to read a whole piece of text.


MiniLit SAGE: 

This is for students in Years 1 & 2 of schooling. Students will work in small groups of 4 or 5, for five times a week. They will engage in sessions that work on developing all the skills essential for literacy success, including Phonemic awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension. The Phonics component of this program follows a very structured and

sequential sequence for introducing all the sounds used in English.



This is for students in Years 3-6 of schooling. Students will work in small groups of 4-6. These are one-hour sessions, five times a week. Here they continue to build on the foundation skills essential for literacy success, including Phonemic awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension. There is also an additional component to this program where students will spend some time working with a tutor to practice integrating all the skills of reading in a high interest and engaging text. The MacqLit intervention program includes a strong focus on Spelling and Dictation daily. Like MiniLit SAGE, this program has a set sequence for introducing the sounds used in reading.


Attendance at school has a strong impact on student learning and progress. It is essential that students are present and ready to learn every day at school, except in unavoidable circumstances like sickness, family bereavement etc. Constant, unexplained absences may jeopardise a student’s placement on the program.


The MiniLit SAGE and MacqLit programs will be co-ordinated and run by Mrs Heather Woodman, Mrs Shinae Parris, Mr Jhett Cooper and Mr Craig Dhosi.