Catholic Identity

Sr Agnus Visit and presentation


Sr Agnes Murphy RSM visited school today to present a History of the Sisters of Mercy at St Brendan’s Primary School.


The Sisters of Mercy, following in the footsteps of their Foundress, the Venerable Catherine McAuley, founded the school with support from the local community in 1891.

The Sisters of Mercy were active in the school between 1902 and 1986/87, embedding a Mercy charism within the school and parish from humble beginnings.


Thank you Sr Agnes for your work in collating this valuable historical collection of photographs, descriptions, dates and memories.

Thank you also for the framed picture of Catherine McAuley which now is on display in the foyer/ admin area.


We are proud to represent and continue the charism of our Mercy heritage within our school community.


Pancake Tuesday

On Tuesday 4th March, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with the tradition of making pancakes.


Our parent helpers started early, shaking and flipping pancakes all morning.  A selection of senior students were on hand, delivering pancakes across the school to all the classrooms, for the students and staff. 


A HUGE thank you to all our PARENT HELPERS who volunteered to help prepare and cook our pancake treats. Many hands will made light work Tuesday morning. Thank you.


A gold coin donation from each student went towards starting our fundraising efforts for to support Caritas Australia. Project Compassion boxes were delivered to each student and taken home. These boxes will remain at home and returned back to school just before the holidays.


“For it is in giving that we receive.” – Saint Francis of Assisi.



LENT- Ash Wednesday

This week we begin the season of Lent. This is marked on Ash Wednesday as we receive the ashes on our forehead at Mass to remind us of God’s love for us. We are asked to make a change in our lives and hearts, reminding us to be the best version of ourselves and to reach out to others. 


All our students received ashes on Ash Wednesday. We received many lovely comments from the parishioners who attended Mass on how well behaved and reverent our students were and their participation and responses during Mass.  This is always re-affirming for us to hear.


In Lent, we journey to Easter – hopefully through our Lenten observances a little closer to our transfiguration as we get there. In life we journey to Heaven where, by the grace of God, we shall be totally transfigured.





Youth Mass - 15th March


Next Saturday night at 6pm.  

Mass will be followed by food and games!




Our Sacramental students begin their Sacraments of Initiation journey, beginning this week with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We keep all our students in our thoughts and prayers as they take this important step in their faith journey.


Catholic Identity Dates

What’s coming up?




Kind Regards,

Leanne Pellegrino (Catholic Identity Leader)