By Clara Shell


In Literacy, students have started guided reading cycles where they are assigned a levelled text. During these sessions students discuss and respond to questions about the text with their group and have the opportunity to read one-on-one with their teacher. Teachers provide students with individual feedback and this is an important part of our goal setting and monitoring process. Ask your child about their learning goals at home!


Thank you to our families for supporting our Home Reading program. All students have access to books to borrow from school. Teachers check and sign diaries and displays are set up in classrooms to track and celebrate Home Reading nights. Check in with your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions about Home Reading. 





Our Literacy and Numeracy Intervention program has now started and will continue to run throughout the year. These sessions are facilitated by our Education Support team. The aim of the program is to provide identified students with additional one on one or small group support targeted at their individual learning needs. Please check in with your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions or would like to know more about the program. 



High Abilities:

Have you heard of the Maths Olympiad? This year, our Year 5/6 Numeracy Extension group will be taking part in the Maths Olympiad, which involves taking part in a series of competitions. Four times throughout the year, the students will complete a problem solving competition paper in only thirty minutes and then submit it to the competition organisers. Each week students meet to learn about problem solving strategies and try them out on a range of different problems. There is a focus on being able to show and explain their thinking to others, which means all of the students also become teachers within the classroom!