
By Mrs Kelly and Mrs Mori

Our Japanese classes this term have been filled with fun and learning! Our Preps have started their journey in learning Japanese and are singing their greetings song with enthusiasm! Hopefully they will be able to show their wonderful singing during an assembly in Term 2. 

Year 1/2 students have been learning all about different fruit names, which has been a great opportunity to revise their knowledge of colours from last year. They have enjoyed learning songs about fruit and reading stories in Japanese. 

Year 3/4 students are also making our tummies rumble in class, as they are learning about Japanese foods. They are learning to say sentences in Japanese about what they eat and don’t eat as well as saying what they like and dislike. Our middle and senior students showing their great Growth Mindset in order to write sentences with Japanese hiragana characters. Well done!

For the first time, Mori Sensei is running extension classes in Japanese for Year 5/6 students. There has been a lot of excitement about these classes, where the students are writing to their Japanese pen-pals…in Japanese!