St Brigid's News and Events

RE News

A reflection for the start of the Jubilee Year

As the Jubilee Year begins, Pope Francis has encouraged everyone to reflect on how they can bring light, hope and kindness into the lives of others:

  • How can I open a window of light in my environment and in my relationships?
  • Where can I be a glimmer of light that let’s God’s love pass through?
  • What practical actions can I do today, this term, this year in my school, home, world? 

Domestic and Family Violence: What can we do?

The Parish Justice Action Group (JAG) is committed to raising awareness and taking action to address the issue of Domestic and Family Violence. The key activity will be a Parish Forum on Saturday 15 March 2025, from 2 -3:30pm, at St Brigid’s school hall. We recognise that we all have a role to play in creating communities of respectful relationships that prevent domestic and family violence and we seek to answer the question “What can we do?” We will provide information about how to recognise domestic and family violence, how to respond to it and measures we can take to prevent it. A panel of people with involvement in the sector will respond to prepared questions on the topic. Following this presentation, there will be an opportunity to seek further information and support and to interact with the speakers and sector organisations over afternoon tea. This will be an adults-only event and bookings will need to be made. Further information coming soon.

Flexi Schools - Tuckshop Update

A big thank you to the school community.  We have had a very successful first tuckshop day with our new Flexi School System last week. 


Good News!!  Sushi ordering cut off time is now 9:00am on a Friday! So that means all tuckshop orders have to be in by 9:00am on the morning of Tuckshop. 


Also in case you are looking for frozen items - they have been moved to the snack section to assist our Tuckshop team.


Thank you for your patience and embracing our new system.