Principal's News

Where every child is known, challenged and supported to be lifelong learners.

Dear Parents and Friends


What a wonderful start to our 2025 school year - 3 weeks of school and it is like they have been here for the whole year! Thank you to the parents for making sure your children were prepared and looking forward to coming to school and thank you to all staff for maintaining such high standards and expectations whilst creating a caring and kind environment. 


Last week I was lucky enough to join our Year 5/6 students on their Camp.  We had such a fantastic time.  It was great to see all the students work together and have a go at every activity.  The students will have lots to report in next week's student newsletter.


Our Get to Know You meetings held this week continued to show us the importance of building up positive relationships with parents and easing back into life at school. We continue to prioritise relationships, connections, being kind and giving our best.


The classrooms and learning areas are looking so organised  and the displays of the children's work are starting to be put up around the school.


It should come as no surprise that our Year 6 students have hit the ground running, responding to the high expectations and responsibilities associated with senior leadership and they are being such wonderful role models to the whole school and amazing buddies to the Foundation students.  


Our Foundation students have managed their first 3 full weeks at school with such a wonderful sense of excitement and enthusiasm and playing on our playground - even having a go at our Ninja Wall!! The feedback from Miss Eccles (or Miss Sprinkles or Miss Prickles depending who you are talking too!!), Sigi and Erin has been overwhelmingly positive - they have adjusted to school life so quickly and confidently. 


Along with our new Foundation students and their families, we extend a warm welcome to our new students and their families joining us from other year levels: Rafael (Year 5), Ryda (Year 6),  Blake (Year 4), Billie (Year 2) & Michael (Year 2). We look forward to getting to know you this year. 

Information night - F-2 Little Learners Love Literacy Wednesday 19 February at 7.00pm

We would like to invite our F-2 parents to an Information Night regarding the new phonics program - Little Learners Love Literacy. This night will give you an understanding of how the program operates and the expectations of homework which will be different to what has occurred in the previous years. 


After the meeting Foundation parents are welcome to stay back for our Foundation information night from 7.30pm onwards. We are looking forward seeing you all there. 

School Photos - 20th Feb

Just a reminder our school photos are on Thursday 20th February. All children are to be in their full summer uniform. 

Welcome Afternoon/Assembly - TOMORROW from 2:00pm

Our assembly on Friday 14th will commence at 2.00pm with the children receiving their Wellbeing Rep Badges, Leadership Badges and the Foundation students will receive their Buddy Bears from their Year 6 Buddies. After Assembly we invite you to stay back and have a catch up with old and new families. We will have choc tops to give out to students and siblings. 

School Tours and 2026 Enrolments 

I know we are still enjoying welcoming our 2025 Foundation students but we also are beginning to receive many enrolment enquiries for Foundation 2026 and beyond!!  Enrolments for Foundation 2026 are now open and we encourage all families who have a Foundation child beginning next year to submit their applications as soon as possible.  Please book your school tour online on the school website or call Tracey in the office to book a school tour. If you are not able to make these tours please know that you are also welcome to call to make a time that does work for you

School Tour Dates

9:30am - Friday 14 February

2:15pm - Thursday 20 February

9:30am - Tuesday 25 February

9:30am - Friday 7 March

9:30am - Tuesday 11 March

2:15pm - Thursday 20 March

9:30am - Thursday 27 March

2:15pm - Tuesday 1 April


We are also holding a Prospective Parent Information Evening on Wenesday 26 February at 7:00pm.  If you have any family or friends who have a child starting school in 2026 or 2027 we would love to see them.

2025 School Fees and Levies

Our school fee statements were sent out last week. Please complete your direct debit form for school fees, and either email to or hand in at the school office by March 7th. Thanks in advance and thank you to all families who have completed this form already and/or paid their fees/levies.


If you would like support with fees and would like to discuss alternate payment plans please make a time to meet with me. Families who hold Health Care Cards are encouraged to share this with the school and you are welcome to apply for fee support by completing the appropriate form below.


It is that time of year again (nice warm weather) where we have had reports of headlice across all year levels.  If your child does present with headlice they must be kept at home until their hair is treated.  Once treated they are welcome to return to school.  Just a reminder - all hair shoulder length and below should be worn up.  


Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.


Yours in partnership.


Wendy Sullivan
