Student Agency & Growth  

Student Voice and Leadership Team 

Across the course of the last week, we acknowledged students who had accepted positions on the Student Voice and Leadership Team. Congratulations to these students, we look forward to the great work you will do this year in supporting the student body.

School Leaders

Scarlett Harrison

Will Egan

Pakana House Leaders

Kris Van Der Kamp

Indi Upton

Everard House Leaders

Jevon Dalton

Oliver Plunkett-Zbracaki

Toner House Leaders

Silena Fischer

Heidi Hull-Brown

Skipper House Leaders

Tegan Gibbs

Charlie Clarke

Pursuit of Excellence Leaders

Dylan Pang

Mayra Pacioni

Kokoro Finger

Respect for Diversity Leaders

Emily Clarke

Charmaine Lau

Abi Johnson

Creativity Leaders

Yasmin Maiorano

Nova Lappin-Torrellas

Individuality Leaders

Jake Wilson

Kate Mcrae

Integrity Leaders

Archie Ribaric

Asmira Adams

Social & Environmental Responsibility Leaders

Bindi Hillen

Jarran Nolan

Music LeaderPatrick Mackew
Arts Leaders

Elliot Menzies

Poppy Rohead

As is custom at the start of each school year, our student leaders shared with their peers their reflections on our School Values. Over the coming weeks, we will share these reflections with you. 


Clubs and Activities 

In the coming weeks we will launch our 2025 Clubs and Activities program. In Week 3, there will be a showcase and sign-up session at lunchtime on Monday. Students from all year levels are encouraged to come along and see what’s on offer. 


A full list of clubs and activities will be shared with students and families via Compass shortly. Any students who are interested in starting a club or activity are encouraged to speak with Mrs Nadia Devlin. 


Reconciliation Action Plan

In 2025, we will continue our work in developing our Reconciliation Action Plan. Last year, the working party developed our Vision for Reconciliation and worked with our students to develop a draft Acknowledge of Country.


We invite all students, parents and school community members to be part of our meaningful journey towards Reconciliation. By joining our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Party, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with others in shaping a more inclusive, respectful, and culturally aware learning community. 


If you are interested in joining the Working Party, please email Nadia Devlin,


The meeting dates for Semester 1 are as follows:

Tuesday, February 25 at 4:45pm (onsite)

Tuesday, March 18 at 4:45pm (online)

Tuesday, April 29 at 4:45pm (onsite)

Tuesday, May 27 at 4:45pm (online)

Tuesday, June 24 – TBC


You can read more about the RAP journey and process here: