
A message from the Principal
Opening Mass
Our Opening Mass took place last Friday, 7th February, at St. Kilian’s Church. It was a well-attended celebration, and despite the warm weather, the students were incredible. A special thank you to Fr Junray, who was amazing as our celebrant, really making the students feel comfortable in the church and helping set the tone for a positive and inspiring start to the year. It was a beautiful way to come together as a community.
Anniversary of National Apology
This Thursday, 13th February, marks the anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. It is a day to reflect on the past, acknowledge the profound impact of past policies, and reaffirm our commitment to reconciliation and healing. We encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect on this important milestone in our nation's history.
As a Sunsmart school, we are committed to promoting sun safety. It’s important that students have their hats with them, clearly named, and ready to wear when outdoors. Please encourage your child to always wear their hat during breaks and outdoor activities to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the sun. We appreciate your support in helping our students stay safe and healthy.
Hello Night
Our annual Hello Night is a fantastic opportunity for families to meet their child’s teacher, visit classrooms, and connect with other families in a relaxed setting. This year, Hello Night will be held on Tuesday, 11th February, from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. We’ll fire up the BBQ and provide sausages for everyone to enjoy. We look forward to seeing you there!
Carpark Safety
To ensure everyone’s safety, please use the designated crossing in the centre of the car park when moving between sections. A staff member will be on duty—please follow their directions.
The area closest to the school is a Kiss & Drop zone (for quick drop-offs and pick-ups). If you need to park and leave your vehicle, please use the roadside parking, not the Kiss & Drop lane. The afternoons can be hectic, and some vehicles are trying to turn in. Please be safe and diligent with pick-up.
Thank you for helping keep our school community safe!
Carlton Football Club Visit
Last week, we had three players from Carlton Football Club visit. Students who were interested had the opportunity to ask questions during a Q&A session with Orazio Fantasia, Lachlan Gowan, and Jaxon Gibbs. Some great questions were asked, and the footballers were generous with their time, signing autographs and putting smiles on the students' faces.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
At last week's assembly, three of our Year 5/6 students encouraged their peers to recognise fellow students for their random acts of kindness for International Random Acts of Kindness Week. Our staff recognise students through Blitz Tickets, which are given out in alignment with our school values—Care for Self, Care for Others, Care for Learning, and Care for the Environment—students are now able to nominate one another for kind actions they notice. There are nomination slips available, and students can access them from the Year 5/6 students. We hope this initiative will foster kindness and gratitude among our school community.
School Photos – Save the Date!
Please save the date for School Photos, which will be held on Tuesday, 25th February. More details, including instructions for ordering photos, will be sent closer to the date. Be sure to mark your calendar so your child is ready for their photo!
Learning Conversations – Save the Date!
Our first Learning Conversations for the year will be held on Wednesday, 26th February. This year, all conversations will take place on the same day, and we aim to finish the school day earlier to ensure we can fit all interviews into the afternoon. As a result, the school day will end 1 hour earlier at 2:15 pm.
If students are unable to be picked up at this time, we will have designated areas across the school where they can be supervised. After school care will take place as normal. Please save the date – 26th February. The booking site on PAM will open next week for parents to schedule their appointments.
God Bless,
Jeremy Darmody