Principal's News

Security and Fencing
Last year we began the process of locking the school gates (except the main front gate) during school hours. With the replacing of the front fence, we have been locking the back gates as usual but the front of the school has been unlocked.
With the completion of works on the front fence on Tuesday, we are now locking all the front gates again each day.
The only access into and out of the school block from about 9.10am to 3.15pm, will be via the main front gate. When parents arrive during school hours they should report to the school office and sign in to the school, this will assist us in the case of an emergency. If parents are picking up a child, please sign them out at the office before leaving the school.
You will have noticed additional fencing at the front of the school and in the middle of the school, near the Paul Collier Building. We have installed these fences and gates as a way of securing the school property after hours when the public has access to Penpraze Park. Unfortunately, we experience high risk and destructive behaviour after hours, that puts a cost burden on the school.
This will mean that the pedestrian gate near the Art Room will now be locked at all times, except during drop off and pick up, it will not be available for pedestrian access out of school hours.
The pedestrian gate near the Cafe wil be locked during school hours, but can be used out of school hours.
If you are walking around the school and see people either in an area that we have fenced off, damaging school property or engaging in risky behaviour we ask that you call the police immediately.
Robyn James