Science News

Vermont Secondary College

Community Focus Day Science Demonstrations

On the 7th of June, the science leaders and teachers hosted fire and art demonstrations for community focus day. These activities were inspired by the culture and knowledge of Indigenous Australians. During lunch, Ms Nevins lit her hand on fire and although there was a massive burst of fire, she did not get burnt! After that, we created our own paints from natural pigments such as charcoal and turmeric and had some fun testing them out by creating paintings inspired by Indigenous artworks and icons.


In other science news….

A new species of pterosaur has recently been discovered! In 2021, a series of fossilised bones were found in the outback of Western Queensland, however the species had not been identified. Now, researchers believe that the bones belonged to new genus and species of pterosaur and has been given the scientific name Haliskia peterseni. It is thought that these pterosaurs lived alongside dinosaurs about 100 million years ago.