Principal's Report 

Vermont Secondary College



A huge thank you to the school community (parents/guardians, students and all staff) for your continued support of the college over this first semester. We are an extremely large organisation with some 1,750 people on site, and I thank the community for all their work towards a set of common goals which are based around improved educational outcomes for each child while providing a safe and supportive environment in which children and staff feel engaged. 


Each and every term is as busy as the previous, with a few hurdles along the way, and getting through the demands of each term is only possible through the work and dedication of the teaching and Education Support Staff, as well as the support and effort of the students, supported by their families. Enjoy the break and we will start it all again in two weeks! 



The annual VCE Senior Social was held on Friday 14th of June at the San Remo Ball Room Nicholson Street, Carlton North. It was a fantastic event, and students are to be commended on their behaviour over the evening as well as their attire and active participation on the night.  

Congratulations to Jacqueline Wilson and Ben Loh for their outstanding organisation of the event, leaving no stone unturned. Planning was meticulous and the decoration and layout of the venue was stunning. Well done to all involved in attending or planning the event, including the student organising committee. Thank you to all parents/guardians for picking your children up on time, greatly appreciated. A wonderful night had by all. 



A huge thank you to Laura Gerbing and the team on the organising and running of the annual GAT (General Achievement Test) for all students completing a Unit 3 – 4 study. This is a major event that requires meticulous planning each and every year and Laura has yet again done an outstanding job in getting the senior cohort through this activity, along stringent DE exam requirements. Well done, Laura! 



As tax time is approaching, parents/guardians are reminded that donations to Vermont Secondary College’s Library Fund and Building Fund are Tax Deductible and the College welcomes donations of any size.  


Direct deposits to: BSB 033 135 Account No: 56-6575, Account Name: Vermont Secondary College. Please use your child’s student code as the identifier.   All money raised is used to enhance facilities for your student/s. Receipts will be forwarded to you for tax purposes.