High Abilities 

High Ability Year Six students were selected to participate in Monash University’s BioEYES incursion May 31, 2024.

BioEYES Australia is an award-winning, innovative, hands-on approach to teaching primary and secondary students about science. Since it began, BioEYES Australia has reached more than 10,000 students with some 83% of students stating they can imagine themselves as scientists after completing the program.

Students study the development of zebrafish embryos, observing the transparent eggs (Danio rerio) change from a single-celled zygote to a free-swimming larva. Students develop their critical thinking skills and perform collaborative experiments as they study the lifespan and development of the zebrafish, anatomy, and genetics.

BioEYES Australia aims to capture the inherent enthusiasm and excitement that students have for science while opening their minds to possible and fulfilling futures in this field. Moreover, it is a powerful aid for teachers working within the Australian National Curriculum. 



Maureen Delane

Learning Specialist