From the Principal

Principal: Mathew Montebello

Dear Families,


Grade 4 Camp

Our Grade Four students have had a great start to their camp. From all reports the students had a great first night and have been very excited undertaking all the activities.


2025 Prep Enrolments

On Tuesday we ran our 5th school enrollment tour. Our sixth and final tour will be held on Tuesday 18th June at 9:30am

A reminder that enrolment applications for families are due by the 26th July. 

If you have a child enrolling for foundation in 2025 please ensure your application forms are in by the designated date. 

If you know of families looking to enroll at the school for 2025, please encourage them to contact the school or submit their forms as soon as possible.


Student learning Conferences

Student Learning Conferences will take place on Tuesday 25th June. 

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, the format for these conferences will see parents in years Prep-2 undertake conferences without students, giving parents/guardians the opportunity to have in depth discussions about their child’s learning with teachers. In years 3-6, conferences will be student-led, as we build our students' capacity to lead their learning. 

The conference booking system will open one week prior on Tuesday 18th June at 9am. Families can log into Compass to make these bookings.


Lantern Walk

This year’s Lantern walk will take place on Saturday 22nd June from 5:30pm-8pm. Tickets are now available via CompassTix, ordering closes tomorrow Friday 14th June.

We are very excited for this great community event and we encourage all families to attend.


Warm regards,
