Newlands in a Nutshell

Here is a snapshot of the important things you don't want to miss in this newsletter! Be sure to read for a more comprehensive rundown of all things happening in Newlands.

  • Luke has been appointed as Acting Principal 
  • Luisa has been appointed as the Spanish Leading Teacher
  • Newlands Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
    • Sunday, 9 am - 4:30 pm - Preston Bunnings
    • Please buy sausages
  • Toilet vandalism continues. We ask that families relay the message about what showing care, and responsibility means at Newlands and speak up if they see something
  • Term 2 Parent Teacher Interviews available to book on Sentral
    • Foundation-Year 4: Week 11
    • Years 5/6: Week 10 & Week 11
    • Interviews will be held with your child's home group teacher that you did not meet with the previous Parent Teacher Interviews
  • School Reports Published - Friday 21st June, 3:20
    • Access your child's report via Sentral
    • If you would like a hard copy, please contact your child's homeroom teacher before the parent-teacher interviews.
  • Last day of term (Friday 28th June)
    • 12:30 - Open Classrooms, Cultural Week Celebration
    • 1:30 - a celebration of Ross Dudgeon’s dedication to Newlands Primary School and education in our brand-new gymnasium
  • Online Parent Sessions -  Resilience building
    • Dates to be confirmed and published at a closer date
  • Behavior Support Plans (BSPs)
    • Teachers are in the process of developing BSPs.
    • Families will be contacted of those student requiring BSPs
  • Please collect your lost property items before the end of term as all items without a name will be donated to our school's second hand/op shop