This term in English, we have been exploring information texts. The children enjoyed researching and writing about Pineapples in our Big Write. The students really enjoyed dancing to "Aga Do Do Do, push pineapple shake a tree" to shake off any nerves. They jumped straight into writing using all of their research from class and wrote like stars. We are so proud of their writing and how much it has grown this term. 


PS: research has shown that pineapple DOES belong on pizza.  


On the weekend some of the Year 3 children made their First Holy Communion. They looked absolutely beautiful. They have spent the term learning about the 4 parts of the Mass and what happens to the bread and wine to turn it into the body and blood of Jesus. Thank you to the parents for helping us to prepare the children so well. It was a privilege to celebrate this sacrament with the students. 


We are all looking forward to the looming Year 3 sleepover in Term 3. Remember to save the date! Friday 20th September. 





On Saturday 15th June, the St Nicholas Stage 3 debating team competed in the final for the Stage 3 Tamworth Eisteddfod Debating Competition against Carinya Christian School. Our girls were the affirmative team for the topic, "That invasive species should be banned as pets". The girls spoke with confidence and clarity, and were extremely persuasive in their arguments. The Carinya team were declared the winners on the day. 


I am incredibly proud of how far the girls have come in their debating skills this year and I look forward to them continuing with this skill into their high school years. 


Thank you to the parents and families who were able to attend in support of our students.