These conferences will take place this week and next, between 17th - 28th June (Week 8 & 9).  


Please be conscious that while Student-Led Learning Conferences are being undertaken, all other children will have access to some small passive activities in the shared spaces to assist with keeping all areas quiet and calm.


As the name suggests, the Student-Led Learning Conference will focus on learning. If parents wish to discuss matters other than learning, a meeting can be booked with your child's class teacher/s or teachers may make contact at another time.


Student-Led Learning Conferences focus on the student presenting work samples and talking about their reflections and “next steps in learning”. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to show pride in their learning, as well as taking accountability for their work. When the students show their work and lead the conversation, the teacher will also make contributions. Parents will also participate by asking questions and offering constructive comments. It’s important for parents to know that the focus of this conference is on learning. 


Please take a few minutes to watch the following video which shows examples from Student- Led Learning Conferences. 



Don't forget to login into Compass and place your school photo order. Photos will take place next week, Week 9.


School Uniform in Week 9 for all students will be;

Monday - Sports Uniform

Tuesday - Full Winter Uniform

Wednesday - Full Winter Uniform

Thursday - Sports Uniform

Friday - Sports Uniform/ Colour House Mufti clothes (Athletics Carnival Day)


The following are the Pupil Free Days for the remainder of 2024.

Please mark in your diary....

  • Friday 5th July
  • Monday 22nd July
  • Tuesday 23rd July
  • Monday 14th October
  • Friday 20th December


Congratulations to Mr Joseph Dimech on achieving 40 years of being a member of the IEU - Independent Education Union.




One of the happiest and biggest days on our school calendar! Grandparents Day will be celebrated on Friday 26th July (Week 1 Term 3). We would love to invite all of our Nans, Pops, Grans and Grandpas to come along and join us on this special day where we have the opportunity to celebrate and give thanks to God for these special people in our lives. More details to follow. 


Our Veritas Awards stem from our school motto - ‘Veritas’ - meaning truth. The Veritas Award is awarded to students who have been consistently displaying citizenship, leadership and/or Christian Living. Students receiving a Veritas Award are those students who have displayed our ‘Rules for Living’ in their everyday interactions. This term our focus is on ‘Valuing, respecting and caring for others’. 


Congratulations to the following children who received Veritas awards last week:

Ava Harwood, Yug Bhattarai, Levi Charlesworth, Liv Coutts, Isabella Morgan, Layla Bevan, Cali Walker, Quade Henn, Taylor Langford, Mia Langford, Noah Hobden, Sophia Elkhouri, Alexander Kidd, Mia Simpson, Aggie Daly and Ruby McHugh.


All parents need to be aware, our supervision of students

does not begin until 8.15am each day.


St Nicholas School gates will not be open until the arrival of the first school bus at approximately 8.10am. It is not appropriate for children to be at school before this time with no supervision. 


If your child/ren require care before 8.15am you may like to consider before school care here at school with Esteem.  


