
Prayer for upcoming programs for Year 9 and 10
This term has been loaded with beautiful events, amazing examples of courageous learning and striving for excellence. With such a full term, we are aware of what a final push to the finish line school holidays is! God answers prayers in His time and in His way, for His glory and we are called to pray boldly for what we need and the needs of others. With this in mind we invite you to pray for our students, teachers and support staff as we enter into the last few weeks of term.
Two teams of Year 10 students will head to Vanuatu and Thailand on Mission Awareness Trips to work in small villages with schools and churches and share God's love with these communities. They take with them a number of supplies and resources all of which need coordinating and packing, a big job on top of an already demanding term for our teachers and students alike.
The rest of our Year 10's have their Work Experience in the last week of term, as students head off take steps toward adulthood learning what it takes to get up and go to work each day. Learning to give themselves grace as they navigate acquiring new skills with new coworkers in a new environment. Prayer for their learning and energy as they go through their week of stepping into the workforce.
Year 9's are gearing up for a busy week with the Student Community Involvement Program (SCIP), working hard to live out PVCC's values of Building Community and Actively Steward. They will be working both inside and outside the PVCC Community to serve.
Duke of Ed Wollangarra Camp is the last of our major happenings this last week of term, but this is a big challenge. Pray for good weather, for student and staff wellness, and for the students what a beautiful world God created and to be thankful for those little amenities we are gifted every day like a warm bed to sleep in, toilets that flush and food you don't have to cook on a camp stove!
We thank you for your continued support of the college in prayer.
We invite all parents of Year 9 and 10 students to attend a Special Assembly on Friday 21 June, 2pm in the Multi Purpose Hall.
The Year 9s and 10s will be commissioned for their upcoming adventures as they prepare for Mission Trips, work experience, SCIP and or Wollongara. Please join us on this special assembly as we pray blessing over them.
*Reminder all parents must sign in at the office and wear their green sticker.
PVCC Alumni Reunion
Saturday, 7 September 2024
PVCC Presentation Night
Thursday, 21 November 2024