Community News

Café Culture
It’s not every day, you get to demonstrate and carry out all aspects of your learning in one morning. This past Wednesday was that day in Café Culture at PVCC – that is the Plenty Valley Christian Café.
Year 9 and 10 students were involved in all steps of planning, surveying their audience, creating a menu, shopping, pricing, preparing food, preparing a café space, cooking and serving. What a joy it was to see these students working hard in all aspects of their learning in this experience and what a success it was!
Congratulations to all involved and thank you to all who came and enjoyed a hot drink or a yummy treat!
A farewell to our Chaplain, Andrew Austin
Some of you may have seen the job description pop up that Plenty Valley is looking for our new Chaplain, but what you may not know is where our current Chaplain is going.
We are excited to be able to support and encourage Andrew Austin and his family as they head off to Traralgon prayerfully hopingto plant a church there. After a visit to the area,Andrew felt called to go and serve the community there and after a number of doors opened by God the decision was made!
Andrew has served the PVCC community for the last 4 years. He has been a shoulder to cry on, a singer of songs of praise in the Early Years Chapel services, a mentor, a spiritual support for the Secondary students, a reliable and eager participant at school camps and most importantly a pillar of hope to point us all to Christ.
He will be dearly missed by many students and by nearly all staff. We are thankful for his dedication to serving the Lord and encourage him as embarks on this next journey of his life.
Please keep Andrew and his growing family in your prayers.
Lost Property
With an overwhelming amount of items in our LOST PROPERTY boxes we are making an appeal.
The last week of term we will have parents from our Parents and Friends Committee to come and help sort through the lost property box. Items with names on them will try and be returned to students' classrooms.
Items with no names will go to the Second Hand Uniform Shop at the end of Term 2.
Feel free to pop in anytime and have a look through to see if your hard earned money has taken up residence in our lost property box!
Secondary Hand Uniform Donations Welcome!
We love your donations!
We are so thankful our Second Hand Uniform Shop is serving our community so well! Reducing landfill and overall costs for families has been a key factor behind this initiative. All proceeds from the shop go directly to providing resources to the students, such as Bibles and more!
If you have a bag of old PVCC clothes in your closet or boot of your car (like me!) you are welcome to donate them (in a clean - saleable state) to either Reception or General Office at any time. Please note, we are no longer taking the older style jacket unfortunately.
If you make a donation you will receive a 20% off your next purchase from the Second Hand Uniform Shop voucher as well!
The shop is open every Monday 2:30 -3:30pm during school terms, and will be open on Monday 15th July (the last week of the school holidays) as well!