Prep to Grade 2:

We had a fantastic session with our buddies in Week 1. Prep/1 's mentor text was the Gingerbread Man so we just HAD to make some yummy gingerbread to eat. At least these ones did not run away!
The buddies worked together in groups of 4 to make 1 quantity of dough and then had lots of fun, cutting out their gingerbread to be baked. Lots of measuring and reading the recipe. We enjoyed eating some of them before bringing some home to share with our families.
Prep students have been learning the sounds, qu, z, u, j and k and are getting very excited about celebrating Milo Monkey's birthday in a couple of weeks. They have been reading fairytales such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Gingerbread Man and Little Red Riding Hood. They have been labelling characters and settings and writing sentences about what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story.
The Maths Talent Quest has been lots of fun, Prep/1A have been exploring all the maths that is in the school playground, and they have been very busy hunting for shapes, measuring slides and bridges, counting forwards and backwards, adding scores and investigating mass through hefting different containers of sand. The weather has not been very accommodating on some days, but we have moved the playground indoors on occasions, with hopscotch on the carpet!
We are also looking forward to celebrating 100 days at school for Preps next week!
They are 100 days smarter!!!
So far this term, Grade 1s have been finishing off the last of the LLLL stage 7.3 sounds and spellings including oi, oy, oo, u, and oul.
Grade 2s have been working on alternative spellings for the sound /sh/ including 'ch' (chef), 'ci' (special), 'ti' (potion), and 'ssi' (progression). We've also been working on more spellings for the sound /er/ including 'or' (work), and 'ear' (learn), as well as the suffix '-est'.
In Writing, we've started our unit on narratives, focussing on retelling and identifying the organisation within our two mentor texts "Pig the Winner" by Aaron Blabey, and "Lottie and Walter" by Anna Walker.
We have been having so much fun in maths this term with our Maths Talent Quest project. The students are super engaged and loving our "Pig the Pug" themed maths.
Inquisitive Minds
The juniors have jumped right into our exciting new unit this term. Under the Design and Technology umbrella, students will be working in groups to move through the design process to produce puppets that they will use to perform a familiar fairy tale. Students have been busy exploring materials, brainstorming, and sketching their designs so far.