Principal's Update

Graph 1
Here is a snapshot of our recent Student Attitudes to School Survey Results:
All grade 4-6 students were invited to complete the online survey.
As a school we are very happy with the positive results received.
There are 3 graphs in total.
Graph 2
Graph 3
2024 Parent, Caregiver and Guardian SURVEY:
The 2024 Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey is now available to complete online from Monday 29 July until Friday 30 August 2024.
The survey seeks feedback on school climate, community engagement in learning and teaching practices for student engagement and outcomes.
Click on the survey link below and add the PIN and complete the survey please.
We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey -as it provides valuable feedback to us as a school.
All schools are required to take part.
The survey will be available in English, Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese. You can download other language guides through the survey portal.
School name: Waverley Meadows Primary School
PIN: 294372
Please complete the survey by August 30th 2024.
The Maths Talent Quest is well under way with every year level participating again this year.
We wish all our classes good luck with their submissions!
The Maths Talent Quest provides a great opportunity for our students to demonstrate their Maths knowledge in real life situations.
We need you ...
Please sign up to help out for a couple of hours at the Bunnings Nottinghill BBQ.
The Notting Hill Bunnings has recently donated 2 large sinks and a new dishwasher for our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program - which will help us enormously!
We are continuing to fundraise to get our Basketball/netball courts resurfaced this year.
Please see the story and photos on the Community Events page of the Newsletter.
Meet Maia!
Maia and her handler Jenny are from Story Dogs. Story Dogs is a fun and unique reading support program that improves children's reading and communication skills by children reading to an accredited dog companion and its handler.
Several of our grade 2 students will be involved in the program. We will do a fundrasier with the SRC later in the term for Story Dogs.
ENROLMENTS: we are wishing to grow - please spread the word about how great our hidden gem of a school is.
Anyone wishing to enrol can contact Clare or Pamela in the office or on 9561 2879- thank you for your help.
In a world where you can be anything - be kind.
The Question for this Newsletter is:
We are starting a new program called Story Dogs. What are the names of our new dog and her handler?
( If you know the answer please fill in a paper slip in the front office with your name and the answer to go in the draw to win a prize in Assembly on Friday.)
Meredith Thornton