Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG)

What a great start we have had this term with the 5/6 students starting the SAKGP.
Week 1 was an introductory session for all students, discussing the program, including who Stephanie Alexander is and why she developed the program 20 years ago. Groups spent time in both the garden and kitchen to familiarise themselves with where things are stored and some of the organisational routines to ensure the program runs smoothly.
All groups have now had a full session in the kitchen and garden, practising knife skills and manoeuvring wheelbarrows! We have harvested some beautiful fresh produce to be used in the kitchen, such as lettuces, carrots, herbs and cauliflower.
Kitchen groups have cut up vegetables into sticks to eat with hummus, ("the best they have ever tasted," a couple declared!), beetroot dip and Vietnamese rice paper rolls. Several students have tried the rice paper rolls for the very first time, we were delighted to see them try something new.
The garden is being prepared for some fruit trees to be planted over the next few weeks, and general garden maintenance was undertaken over the last two weeks.
We are desperate for some more volunteers to help supervise a small group, so if you, or someone you know, is able to spare a couple of hours on a Tuesday (either weekly or every now and then) and have a current WWCC (which is FREE for volunteers), then we would be very grateful.
The recipe links are below for your downloading pleasure!