This Week's Updates

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the second half of our school year. I hope the holidays were restful for you and the kids .... No doubt we have some parents who will want to be with their children for another two weeks and others who will want to drop them off at the school gate at 7am tomorrow!
We are delighted to welcome Charlotte Allan to our staff this term in 1S replacing Lisa Salter.
Parent Education Evening with Maria Ruberto Wed 28 August
This term we are thrilled to welcome psychologist, Maria Ruberto back to St James to present at another Parent Information session on Wednesday August 28th. Approximately 70 of you attended last year and may remember the feedback from those who attended was extremely positive.
We will provide further details in next week's newsletter, so please save the date!
STEM Olympics
Next Monday we are holding our very first STEM Olympics. Mrs Jones has organised some wonderfully challenging STEM activities for the students to complete in their levels to gain points for their house colour. Parents are welcome to attend any time from 12.00pm - 2.00pm and 2.30pm to 3.15pm to view this day. Students are encouraged to wear a "touch of their house colour" with their school uniform.
New Flagpoles
These were installed over the holidays, ready for use at next Monday morning's assembly.
Building Update
A lot of the steel framing was installed over the holidays. We are lucky that they got most of the in ground work completed before the wet weather came.
Student Representative Council
Our Semester One Reps performed a great job and classes are now in the process of selecting Semester Two members.
Fee Payment
For those families that are yet to make a payment for 2024, a prompt payment would be greatly appreciated.
Farm Help
Thank you to all the families that have volunteered for the holiday farm help.
Upcoming Sports Events
- Tuesday 23rd July: Year 4-6 Athletics
- Thursday 1st August: Year 4 District Basketball
- Tuesday 6th August: Division Soccer (selected students)
- Friday 9th August: Division Netball (Mixed/Girls) - (selected students)
- Thursday 22nd August: Year 5 & 6 District Basketball
- Thursday 10th September: District Athletics (for selected students)
Drop off and pick up parking at the front of the school
Please continue the patience you have been displaying. Using Frank Street or parking a little further away and walking seem like good ideas.
Please also be aware that the council parking officers arrived twice during the month of June, so read and carefully follow the parking and drop off signs to avoid any fines.
Sacramental Dates
- Confirmation Retreat Day - Friday 19 July
- Confirmation Celebration Saturday 10 August 1pm
- First Reconciliation Parent Information Session Wednesday 16 October
- First Reconciliation Celebration Wednesday 13 November
Looking forward to welcoming the students back tomorrow.