Interact Club
Rotary Breakfast:
On Monday the 3rd of June, the International Rotary Breakfast was held at the Frankston Arts Centre. This was a very special event as the Rotary International President, Gordon McInally, flew from Scotland to speak to hundreds of Rotary, Rotaract and Interact members about mental health. He was also joined by Professor Patrick McGorry, a world-known psychiatrist, who gave a speech about mental health and uplifting future generations. This was a great morning for Interact members Lily, Ruby and Regan, as the students got to engage in conversation with a number of individuals from around Victoria. They formed new connections with other Interact members and are even planning to connect on a project later this year.
Upcoming senior-school Sleep-in:
On Friday the 9th of August, the Interact Club will be hosting a senior-school sleep-in: with a $20 opt-in cost open on compass for senior students (year 10-12). A range of activities, such as Just Dance, board games and more will be open on the night, with all funds going to State Schools Relief - an organisaton that helps students in government schools across Victoria to access resources such as uniforms and books.
Model UN:
On the Saturday the 17th of August, two representatives for Interact - Kirralea Goodall and Lily Hosking - will be attending the Rotary Model UN Assembly Program. At the Model United Conference, they will be able to practice their debating, communication and problem solving skills representing India, in the lead-up to the day, Lily and Kirralea will research the topic and establish their countries stance, before attending the event to resolve the topic of the debate. We are looking forward to how our representatives will go on the day, and are proud to be representing our Interact Club in the wider community.
On Monday the 17th of June, Interact had the opportunity to present the cheque raised from the Colour Run to the Frankston Breast Imaging Suite. This was a meaningful moment, as Helen from the Frankston Breast Imaging Suite, got to share with the College how the money raised will help the services. Interact also had the chance to speak about past and upcoming events, and to extend their thanks, the Breast Imaging Suite has generously decided to place a plaque in the suite, to commend McClelland College’s Interact Club for their fundraising efforts.
Interact Badge Presentation:
On the 24th of June, Interact held the official badge ceremony, welcoming over 19 new members. With Rotaract and Rotary members in attendance, the event was a momentous occasion to recognise the accomplishments of our club thus far.
Bunnings BBQ - 30th of June:
This upcoming weekend, Interact will be raising money for the Youth Prevention & Recovery Care Unit (YPARC) at Frankston Bunnings. Come down and support the cause!