Principal's Message-
Laura Spence
Principal's Message-
Laura Spence
Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
We made it to the end of an 11 week term, let your kids have an extra sleep in this weekend! This term has been an incredible mix of events and achievements, and a pleasure to be part of. There were so many events I will try to list, but know I will miss something. Ask your child at home what was the most memorable part of the term, and what they are looking forward to next term. At a glance, we had the VM Fringe Festival, ANZAC assembly and service, Breakfast Club, Frankston Raiders Community Partnership, IDAHOBIT celebrations, Year 9 city excursion, primary school visits, Rudely Interrupted concert, St Kilda Point and Br Proud presentation and AFLW clinic, Year 7 and OED camps, interschool camps, Careers Expo, 9 and 10 Information Evening and Taster Day, Athletics Carnival, Concert Band performance, Koorie AIM group KELiS leadership day, Debating and Model UN, Japan Tour preparation, Drama MAP performance, Senior Formal, Interact Club, Shark Tank policy pitch to Paul Edbrook, Staff V Student events, and all the regular learning and teaching events, exams, VCE GAT, Attitudes to School Survey, starting classroom routines, and Parent Teacher Interviews.
I have enjoyed meeting students and families at these events and really appreciate everyone who has gone out of their way to introduce themselves and tell me about their time at the college. I have heard so many positive experiences I think we could have parents running our school tours for prospective students!
There were assemblies in all the sub schools this week where students were recognised with their peers for their success in academic outcomes, COG values, and attendance. Congratulations to all the students who received awards, you are a great model to all students and your efforts are a wonderful contribution to your future and college success.
Today we farewelled Andrew Harms and Frances Italia who have been at the college for many years as leaders and made incredible contributions to the success of our programs. Andrew has taken up an Assistant Principal position at Peninsula Specialist College, and Frances has taken up an Assistant Principal position at Koo Wee Rup Secondary College. Amadeo Ferra also kindly came to McClelland today for the morning tea to recognise the work of Andrew and Frances over many years whilst he was principal. We wish them all the best in their new roles and thank them for their work at McClelland.
In Term 3 we welcome Brent Kitchen as a new Assistant Principal who has been a leader for many years at Rosebud Secondary College. Brent will be the leader of the Year 9 and 10 Sub School amongst other responsibilities. When you meet him next term please make him feel welcome.
This term we also had Grade 6 enrolment numbers confirmed, with our 2025 numbers at an outstanding 246 and rising. This is a testament to McClelland’s Education By Design which makes the college such a perfect fit for all students. This will take our enrolments next year to over 1200 students.
Over the holidays we have some building works taking place, with new external seating for the Year 10 building, and upgrades to the Year 7 Max. Finally, when you drive down Belar Avenue next you will see our new electronic sign where we will be able to advertise upcoming events and celebrations as well as share our successes with the whole community.
Wishing all of our staff and families a wonderful break, and looking forward to an exciting Term 3, particularly for our Year 12 students as they come to the end of their secondary school journeys.