Assistant Principal News

Week 11 greetings


It’s a little bit hard to believe that we are already halfway through the 2024 school year. This week, our students were reflecting on their term in many classrooms and hearing what they were sharing with their teacher and peers brought a big smile on my face. In particular, it was a big transition for our Prep students starting their primary school education at the beginning of this semester. One of our Prep students said to me ‘I have achieved “a full stop” this term’ which was one of the focus in their writing lessons this term! I would also like to express our appreciation to our school community for their ongoing support for many of our school events and activities! On a slightly personal note, I will be heading off to Japan to see my family for the first time in five years over this holiday and will return to CPS at the beginning of Week 2 next term. I will look forward to seeing you all then. I wish you all a fun and safe break!2024年度もあっという間に折り返し地点を迎えました。たくさんのクラスで行われていた2学期を振り返るアクティビティでは、生徒たちはとても微笑ましい思い出を先生や友達に話していました。特にプレップは、今セメスターから小学校生活が始まり大きな変化を迎えた中、様々なことに挑戦し、とてもよく頑張りましたね。プレップの一人の生徒が、今学期達成したことの一つとして「フルストップが使えるようになったこと」と教えてくれました。フルストップの使用は英語のライティングの授業での目標として挙げられていたので、生徒自身が目標を理解し、達成感を持てたことはとても素晴らしいです。私事ではありますが、5年ぶりに日本に行って参ります。その為、3学期は2週目より出勤いたしますので宜しくお願い致します。


JSC Canteen Day


The JSC students just do some amazing things! On Tuesday, they ran another JSC Canteen Day during lunch time. Not only were they responsible with selling snacks but also they demonstrated respect and kindness to other students by listening to them carefully and helping younger students to select and purchase what they wanted. They have raised a significant amount of money which will be put towards purchasing another water fountain for the school! 本校のJSCの生徒たちは日頃から大変貢献的な活動をしてくれています。今週の火曜日には、JSCキャンテーンデイを主催し、募金活動を行いました。キャンテーンでの販売では、責任感を発揮しただけではなく、年下の生徒が何を欲しいか、何を買いたいかなど、優しさと尊重の心を持って接することができました。今回の販売で集められたお金はさらに新しい水のみ場を購入する資金集めの一部として保管されます。


Tanabata – Japanese Star Festival


Also on Tuesday this week, our parent volunteers from the Parents and Friends Club organised a Tanabata activity for our students. Tanabata is a Japanese star festival which is celebrated each year on 7 July when many people write their wishes on a small piece of paper and hang it on a bamboo tree. As a part of the fundraising activity, our students had an opportunity to purchase a piece of paper which was then used for them to write down their wishes. 更に今週の火曜日には、ペアレンツ&フレンズクラブの父兄の方々が、七夕のアクティビティを準備してくださいました。七夕は、7月7日に毎年お祝いされるお祭りで、日本では、短冊に願い事を書き、笹の葉に飾るという風習があります。こちらも募金活動の一つで、コインを寄付することでもらった短冊に、自分の願い事を書くというアクティビティでした。みんなどんなお願い事をしたのでしょうか。


Snapshots from the Classroom


I spent an hour with our Y3/4 student in their classroom last week and I was highly impressed with their work. They had learnt about how day and night occurred and they were producing the explanation texts. Though they were encouraged to use the same text structure, students demonstrated their own writing by selecting different ways to engage their audience, using a variety of vocabulary and phrases! Great job, Y3/4s!























Until next fortnight,

Miharu Morioka