Penny Linardos
Penny Linardos

Each Term we work with our young people on respectful relationships which has a dedicated curriculum delivered through Health and PE. In these lessons, current topics in the media are addressed in a safe space where young people can unpack what it means to live in a just and fair society.


In addition to the respectful relationship's curriculum, we are hosting sessions for years 7-9 with Somerville police. Topics covered include safety online, bullying and consent.


In Term 1 we held our first session with REACH for year 9 on peer dynamics and have more sessions to come next term for years 7 and 8. 


For more information on the respectful relationship's curriculum, visit:


Below is a guide to promoting gender equality at home. There are also additional resources provided for your interest.


Promoting Gender Equality at Home 

A toolkit for parents, guardians and caregivers


What is gender inequality?

Gender inequality is a social condition characterised by unequal value afforded to men and women and an unequal distribution of power, resources and opportunity between them. Source: Our Watch


Why focus on promoting gender equality at home?

There is a strong and consistent association between gender inequality and levels of violence against women. When we promote gender equality, we create an environment where all genders experience equal value, rights, responsibilities and opportunities. This supports our efforts in reducing and ultimately preventing violence against women.


How to use this toolkit

The proactive and responsive actions on the next two pages aim to support parents, guardians and caregivers to promote gender equality at home. The ideas shared can support individual and family reflection and help to shape expectations, attitudes and behaviours.


More information

• Respect Conversation Guide: A practical guide to have conversations with young people about respect.

• The Line resources: Articles and factsheets to enable informed conversations about topics related to sex, dating and relationships.

• Raising sons to embrace healthy, positive masculinities: 9 tips for supporting

young men to embrace positive masculinity and self-expression.

• 2021 Online Respect Series: A series of webinar recordings and resource

guides about issues relating to respect including consent, online safety,

pornography and gender diversity.

• 1800Respect: A national sexual assault, domestic and family violence

counselling service that provides support for people experiencing, or at the risk

of experiencing, violence and abuse.


Articles for Parent: 

  • Friendships and Teenagers
  • Things to try: Self-confidence 
  • Peer pressure and teenagers 
  • Teenagers making friends - can parents help? 
  • Understanding a different culture