Middle School

Year 9+10

Key Dates

226/7Year 10 Assembly, period 2
331/7 Year 9+10 Awards
48/8Curriculum & Teritary Expos
516/8Year 10into11 Course Counselling (no Y10 classes running)
619/8Year 9into10 Course Counselling (no Y9 classes running)

Course Counselling

Reporting Absences

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Morgan Rose on 9091 8133

Celebrating Success - Year 10 Work Experience

We would like to congratulate all Year 10s on their successful work experience placements.  Feedback from students and employers have been very positive.


Name the newWork Experience Preparation Modules

The winner receives a canteen voucher! Use this information to help you come up with a name: 


The modules will likely cover the following topics:

  • Identifying the field the student is interested in
  • Using own networks to find a work experience placement
  • How to find an employer
  • How to approach an employer
  • What to expect and your rights on placement
  • What to do if problems arise
  • Planning transport to placement
  • What to bring, wear and do on placement
  • How to get the most out of placement

We need one name that covers all of the topics- CLICK HEREto enter