Junior School

Year 7+8

Semester Two is here!

We hope everyone is well rested and had a lovely break during the school holidays. Thank you to all of our students for their work and commitment over the past two terms, we hope your reports reflect your ongoing efforts last semester. Thank you to our teachers of Junior School who have helped to build and scaffold these skills, supporting our students to succeed in Semester 1. 


We have really loved getting to know our students and building relationships with them within classes, across the many programs and assemblies we have delivered and while on yard duty in the Junior School over the past semester. Thank you to you, our parents and carers, for your commitment to working together with us to help support our students every day. It has been great to speak and email with many of you across the semester and we look forward to building this connection further over the next six months. 


The Junior School staff will be working through students results from their Semester 1 reports over the coming weeks. We will be contacting parents for any students who may benefit from academic supports and strategies to boost their outcomes. Please feel free to contact our team if you have any concerns also. We also would love to remind families that we have 'Homework Help' every Wednesday after school available for students. 


Congratulations to all the Junior School students and parents who attended the Winter Music Concert in the last week of Term 2. A full house got to see some amazing performances from our very talented year 7 and 8 students.


Well done to our MSA students who participated as flag bearers at the Prime Minister Olympic Dinner held in Melbourne on Saturday 28th of June. Our students lined the red carpet with flags as Olympians, Paralympians, VIP guests (including the Prime Minister of Australia), entered the dinner. What a special experience this was for our future Olympians...


The Junior School Team.

Celebrating Student Success

We would like to congratulate our Junior School student-athletes who attended the National Championships in Badminton. Big congratulations Smrithi Adepeu (Y8) who won gold in mixed doubles and singles and Ava Wong (Y8) who won silver in mixed doubles, girls doubles and singles. Well done to Tanvi Mushini (Y8) who won silver in the doubles also. A super effort from our athletes! Smrithi, Ava and Tanvi were also part of Victoria's gold medal performance in the teams competition. Claire Chan (Y7) also represented Victoria. 


It was also great to enjoy the musical talents of our Junior School students at the Winter Music Concert at the end of last term.

Prime Minister's Olympic Dinner: 

Term 3 Key Dates

224-26 JulySchool Production Camp 
31 AugYear 7+8 Awards 




8 AugCurriculum Expo - Year 8 Students 
9 AugStudent-Free Day 
12 AugYear 7 Science Incursion - Period 1 

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Jenny Richards on 9091 8136


For all absences for medical reasons please submit a medical certificate to Junior School, this ensures the attendance percentage will be approved.


All family holidays during term time are unapproved school absences. 

Please fill in the attached form if this is applicable to your family and update Compass absence details accordingly. https://forms.office.com/r/q7nnA3nqcD


Students are responsible for catching up on any missed work and assessments and may be required to stay after school to ensure this work is completed prior to the 14 June deadline.


All enquiries related to missed class work should be directed to classroom teachers via Compass.