Principal's Message

From the Desk of Kathy Nott - Term 2, Week 7

Good morning Parents/Carers,


NENW Soccer Trials

Congratulations to Tahlia and Lachy who were selected to join the New England North West Soccer Team.   Also, well done to Ashton, Dominic D, Haidee, Jack, James, Kaeden, Lebron and Rubi who also participated in the trials.  The level of competition was outstanding and you should all be very proud of your achievements.


NENW Cross Country

Haidee and Lachy will be attending the NENW Cross Country in Coolah this Thursday.  We wish both Haidee and Lachy the best of luck. 


School Assembly

We will be holding our School Assembly next Friday 21st June at 2:15pm in the School Hall. An item will be performed by 2/3/4O.  All welcome to attend.


Parent/Teacher Interviews

Thank you to all of our Parents/Carers who have booked times to see our teachers to discuss your child's progress.  Our teachers will be holding Parent/Teacher Interviews in Week 9 (Monday 24th - Thursday 27th and Week 10 (Monday 1st July - Wednesday 3 July).  If you would like to have a Parent/Teacher Interview with your child's teacher, please fill in the note and advise three preferred times that you will be available.  Our teachers will do their best to accommodate your preferred time.


School Athletics Carnival

We will be holding our Annual School Athletics Carnival on Friday 28th June at David Taylor Oval.  We look forward to seeing many Parents/Carers there to cheer our students on. Our P&C will be holding a canteen on the day with some great treats and lunch.  


NAIDOC Week Celebrations

NAIDOC Week will be celebrated in Week 10. We will be holding our celebrations on Wednesday, 3rd July with different activities. This year's theme is "Keep the fire burning! Blak, Loud & Proud".  More information will be available closer to the date.


School Attendance

Explained vs justified absences

There are a limited number of reasons which justify an absence from school. In some circumstances, even though a reason has been provided, the absence will still be recorded as 'unjustified' because the reason does not count as a valid reason as per Department of Education policy.


The two most common reasons for student absence are ‘Sick’ and ‘Leave’.


Sick: The student's absence is due to sickness or as the result of a medical appointment. Principals may request a medical certificate in addition to explanations if the explanation is doubted, or the student has a history of unsatisfactory attendance.


Leave: The student's absence is due to an incident such as a serious illness of an immediate family member or attendance at a funeral and the explanation provided has been accepted by the principal.


Family holidays

Families are encouraged to travel during the NSW school holidays.  If travel outside of NSW school holiday periods is necessary, the family must apply to the principal for approval beforehand. If the family does not apply for leave, or it is not approved, the absences from school will be unjustified.


Kind regards


Kathy Nott
