Around Our Level
Around Our Level
This week in Literacy we have been learning about the sound that ‘h’ makes as in 'house' and the letter ‘r’ as in 'robot'. Our sight words that we have been learning this week are 'he', 'be', 'me' and 'from'. We have been watching Jack Hartmann sight words 1 and the children copy, say and repeat the sight word as quickly as possible to develop automaticity and to help the childrens' reading fluency. This can be accessed on YouTube. Your child might like to practise on their device at home or show you what we have been doing in class.
In Maths we have been learning about patterns and repeating patterns. Repeating patterns can be colour patterns, shape patterns, actions, or even number patterns. Repeating patterns have two consistent elements which do not change. We used the OCHRE education site to access lessons and slides. The children identified the repeat element such as clap, wave, clap, wave (the repeat element is clap, wave). We had lots of fun creating movement pattern such as sit, stand, sit stand, stand up, bob down, clap, wave, clap, knees etc. We explored patterns and created colour patterns using unfix cubes and passed our pattern to our partner to keep the pattern going. We created shape patterns using pattern blocks. Students had to find two different objects in the classroom to create their own patterns such as scissors, crayon, scissors, crayon or glue stick, eraser, glue stick eraser etc. We even created footy team colour patterns.
In Geography we have been learning about people in the community that help us such as Police, Ambulance, Firefighters, Teachers, Lollipop Supervisors, Nurses, Doctors and Dentists.
In Wellbeing we have been learning about ‘Friendship Facts’. The four friendships facts include:
In class we have encouraged our Preps to practise asking a new friend to play with them at recess time using their skills from last week which include being a ‘Super Introducer’ and ‘Ask and Pass’. Students have been practising introducing themselves to someone new and asking them a question to find out what their interests are.
This week’s learning highlights have been:
My favourite thing about school this week has been learning to play nicely - Barbod
This week we have been learning about different types of patterns - Charlie R
I have liked learning about colour patterns - Sophie
I like drawing on the whiteboard - Jackson
We have been learning how to write our numbers and about patterns - Lexi
My favourite pattern is purple, orange, purple, orange - Harry
I love learning how to read - Harry
I liked colouring in the patterns on the caterpillar - Tanvi
Whole School House Athletics
It was a very brisk morning as we made our way by bus to the House Athletic Sports at Morrison Reserve in Mt Evelyn.
The Preps did an amazing job of undertaking several events which included sprints, vortex throw, obstacle course, hurdles, bean bag throw and long jump. They also earned their very first athletics ribbon. A big thank you to all our Prep parents who helped and assisted on the day. It was very much appreciated.
Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly.
Prep A - Mrs Cooper
Matilda B
For listening well to instructions and participating with enthusiasm during the House Athletics.
Prep B - Ms Ross
Amber A
For her fantrastic effort on Athletics Day.
Brodie M
For his amazig behaviour/effort on Athletics Day.