Principal's Address

Hello and welcome to our week 9 newsletter!
The last 2 weeks have been very busy with our swimming block and the beginning of NAPLAN. I was very impressed with everyone's effort and behaviour during both events.
The next 2 weeks will continue to be busy with assessments and the Year 6 students attending the cluster Leadership camp this Thursday and Friday. I look forward to joining the students on this overnight camp. This week the Year 3 and Year 5 students are also continuing with their NAPLAN tests: Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy.
Whilst I am on camp, we will have Mrs Sarah Giltrow and Mr Peter Prain looking after the Year 3,4,5 students.
Principal Award
Congratulations to Nina Cameron for being awarded the week 8 Principal Award for having excellent conversations and sharing her gardening knowledge. Our week 9 winner is Illyria Treffen who receives the Principal Award for her positive attitude towards learning.
Goodbye and Goodluck
This week we also say goodbye to Heidi Hirst who is off on a wonderful adventure overseas in Term 2. We wish her all the best and can't wait to hear all your wonderful stories when you return.
Year 6 Easter Egg guessing competition
Congratulations to Nina Cameron for guessing the correct number of eggs in the jar. There were 127 mini eggs in the jar.
Brain Teasers
- What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?
- What I can see once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a 1,000 years?
Important dates
- Wednesday 27th Deadly Australians visit - all families welcome.
- Thursday 28th - last day of school and Cross Country and a shared lunch provided by Miss Flick.
Until next time,