Years 7-9 Coordinator

Jade Nicholls 

7-9 Key Dates: 


Fri 19thState Swimming Carnival
Mon22ndPupil Free Day (Berry St Training)
Weds24thCharlton College ANZAC Day Service @ 2:30pm
Fri26thHouse Cross Country


Thurs2ndMother’s Day Fete 
Fri17thNCD Cross Country
Tues28thLMR Cross Country
Mon10thKing’s Birthday (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)

House Athletics

Last Day of Term 3

Week 1 - Starting the term off on a positive note

Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful break and are rejuvenated for the exciting term ahead. As we start afresh, it's essential to set goals for the term ahead. Whether it's focusing on academic performance, stepping up in current leadership roles, or reaching goals set last term, let's challenge ourselves to maintain a growth mindset this term.


At Charlton College, we pride ourselves on fostering a supportive learning environment where every student feels valued and encouraged to succeed. Let's continue to uphold these values and be respectful and empathetic towards one another. Please continue to support your peers and students to uphold the College's Core Values: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.


Respect: Treat each other with kindness, empathy, and understanding. Embrace differences and celebrate the unique contributions of every member of our community. By respecting one another, we create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.


Responsibility: Take ownership of your actions and their consequences. Whether it's completing assignments on time, maintaining the cleanliness of our campus, or upholding academic integrity, let's demonstrate accountability in all aspects of our school life.


Resilience: Resilience isn't just about bouncing back from setbacks; it's about embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. No matter what hurdles you may encounter along the way, remember that you have the strength and resilience to overcome them. Embrace the power of a positive mindset, persevere through adversity, and remember that each setback is a stepping stone towards success.


I would like to wish you the best of luck with your start to another term.