
Jamie Daff


Welcome back to Term 2! I hope everyone was able to get a break and enjoy some well-deserved time away from school. It is going to be a busy term with lots of school events including sports days, camps, the fete and staff will be completing TAE and Berry Street training. 

School Uniform Shop

The School Uniform shop is well stocked with crew neck jumpers and hoodies in most sizes to keep students warm during winter. We also have a selection of long pants and girl’s tunics. 


All items are pre-loved and are only $2.00 per item.

Contact the office for more information.


A Sad Moment

Unfortunately, the kurrajong tree that has been a statement piece in the centre of the school for so long had split and posed a danger, so was removed over the holidays. 


School Wide Positive Behaviour Support


This term’s focus is Respect. We look at respect in All Spaces this week.

These behaviours are really important in making the school a positive place to be. 

Don’t forget to look at the reminder messages on display in the corridor. 


Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP)

We congratulate Thomas Judd who has been selected to undertake the VHAP primary Mathematics program titled From Symbols to Secrets this term. Very exciting! We hope Tom enjoys the experience and gains much from it.