Learning Across the 

Senior School


Radio Italiana 531 International Women's Day 


On Friday March 8th, the Year 12 Italian continuers class attended the Radio Italiana 531 International Women's Day event at the Sicilia Club with Italian students from other schools and members of the Italian community. We listened to a number of inspirational guest speakers who shared their experiences as women in the workforce and the struggles of navigating a male dominated industry. Guest speakers including Hon Member Zoe Bettison, Shadow Minister of Multicultural Affairs, Hon Jing Lee, Professor Marinella Marmo demonstrated how resilience and perseverance allow us to overcome adversity as women. It was an amazing event, and we loved the opportunity to connect with so many Italian women and hear their stories.


Lola F, Alexandra D, Lily R, Selena A and Molly S.


Mrs Fiona Griffiths

Leader of English and Languages

Teen Parliament 2024 - Loreto Represents

Congratulations to Amelia Boulden, Year 12 for representing Loreto College, Marryatville in Teen Parliament 2024. Year 12 student Amelia Boulden has ‘big ideas for SA’. 


Amelia’s proposed Job Evaluation Act for South Australia, which aims to eliminate the gender pay gap, was selected as part of the Big Ideas for SA - Advertiser Teen Parliament 2024. 


Amelia’s proposed Bill earned her a seat in the Teen Parliament debate, which took place in the House of Assembly at SA Parliament House on 8 March 2024. 


Students whose ideas were selected to represent SA, were referred to as the ‘Best and brightest youth’ in South Australia by News Corp Australia Community Ambassador, Penny Fowler.


SA Premier Peter Malinauskas, addressed Teen Parliamentarians with words of encouragement  - ‘Don’t underestimate  the power young people can have in the endeavour of making change in our community.’


Amelia proudly and confidently presented her Bill before Teen Parliament. The Bill was met with much support from the House. 

Below is an extract of Amelia’s speech to Teen parliament: 


“The theme for today’s International Women’s Day is ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress. ’ This Act serves to invest in women by encouraging young people to contribute to our state by leveraging their unique talents and skills, free from discriminatory practices. It is imperative that all professions are valued and treated equally by our lawmakers, accelerating the progress of South Australia.”


Well done Amelia


Ms Samantha Ruggiero-Girgolas 



Year 11/12 Drama excursion- The Threepenny Opera


As part of our study on epic theatre, the Year 11 and 12 drama class attended the famous Threepenny Opera at Her Majesty’s Theatre. We took notes on unique elements of the production that stood out to us, such as the involvement of the audience and musicians in the storyline, the very abstract set and the strong political messages that are often found in Brechtian plays. It was interesting to fully explore a different type of theatre that allows the audience to think critically about what they are watching and question the social habits and hierarchies that influence how we live. 


Ruby Marti, Year 11


2024 Simpson Prize Competition


An exceptional achievement by Year 10 Loreto Student, Elisa Farah.


At an official ceremony at Parliament House on Tuesday 19th March, Elisa Farah was recognised for her achievement as the 2024 Simpson Prize Competition Runner-Up for South Australia.


The Simpson Prize is a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students which focuses on the service of Australians in World War One and World War Two. 

The 16 winners and runners-up, two from each state and territory, travel to Canberra to participate in a 3-day study program. The Simpson Prize Competition is currently celebrating its 25th year. 


The prize-winning students received a three-day study tour of Canberra, on 16-19 March, with visits to several of the capital’s museums and institutions including Museum of Australian Democracy, the National Archives and both the Australian War Memorial and their enormous warehouse in Treloar. Elisa and the other 15 students also attended Government House Yarralumla where they were guests of the Simpson Prize Patron, His Excellency the Governor-General David Hurley, and her Excellency Mrs Hurley. 


The program culminated in the official Simpson Prize Award Ceremony at Parliament House, Canberra where Elisa and the other successful students received their certificates and medallions from the Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education. 


Elisa’s entry examined the following proposition, 


Commemoration of the Anzac tradition has widespread support in Australia despite different historical interpretations and debates about the nature and significance of the Anzac legend.”


To what extent does your own research support this view? 


Elisa’s response was outstanding in its depth of research and use of historical sources. It is anticipated that Elisa’s excellent achievement will inspire other students in Years 9 and 10, at Loreto, to enter the Simpson Prize Competition this year, and participate in these extraordinary learning and commemorative experiences.


In his speech at the Simpson Prize Award Ceremony on Tuesday 19 March at Parliament House, Canberra, the Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare MP reflected on the servicemen and Servicewomen who the Award winning students researched. 


They are the reason we commemorate Anzac Day. The reason we stand in silence as the sun slowly rises. Because of what they did for us. For an Australia and Australians they would never know. Thank you for reaching across the void of time to seek to know them, what they did and why they did it. Eliza, Rainer, Patrick, Lara, Maria, Elora, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Diya, Daniel, Nabeeha, Charlie, Elisa, Amelia, Jeremy and Lilly. Congratulations to all of you.”

In his closing remarks Mr Paul Foley, Chair of the Simpson Prize Advisory Committee also reflected on the students achievements, 


The wonders of your research are endless, the hours of scrolling and turning pages until you find that gem which just opens more doors of discovery and even more questions. They are our stories and so many more await their moment once again in the limelight, all collectively contributing to the tapestry of our history and bringing into light the very best of humanity in the most difficult of circumstances.”


 We celebrate  Elisa’s excellent achievement and encourage our current Year 9 and 10 students here at Loreto College, Marryatville to enter this year’s competition.

Mr Paul Foley

Leader of Humanities