Faith and Mission

From the Mission and Identity Team
Year 11 Reflecting on our Year of Sincerity
On Tuesday April 2, our Year 11 cohort spent the day together reflecting on the 2024 value of Sincerity. Reflection Days are an opportunity for students to step away from their familiar school routines. The Reflection Day will support the students in their senior education as young women who face life’s challenges in a reflective, courageous, and faith-filled way. The students reflected on what this value of Sincerity meant in the life of Mary Ward and how she applied this to her steadfast commitment to leadership, her faith and to her relationship with God and others. The girls learned about the importance of being your true self, they discussed and shared with each other the reasons why some people wear ‘masks’ in the company of others and how acceptance of everyone respects the Human Dignity of all. The girls finished the day with a liturgy that reflected Mary Ward’s understanding of Sincerity to “Be such as you appear and appear such as you are”.
Our Liturgical Life
Holy Thursday Liturgy
Led by our Senior and Junior leaders and House Captains, our Holy Thursday liturgy was a reflective look at the events of Holy Week.
Our leaders led us through each day, reflecting on the significant events in Christianity, including Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, Jesus’ crucifixion, and resurrection, which are central to Christian faith. Through the Liturgy we heard significant pieces of scripture, we imagined what it was like to see these events through the eyes of a young person. Finally, we reflected on how we can make the events of Holy Week real in our lives and of those in our community.
Social Justice
Project Compassion – Purple Day
It is with much excitement that Purple Day for Project Compassion will take place across the Senior and Junior school on Monday, 8 of April.
In the Junior School the Year 5 students have been planning their fundraising stall, items will be for sale at recess and lunchtime.
In the Senior School the Peace and Justice group will be holding their fundraising stalls at lunchtime in senior quad.
All students are invited to wear purple casual clothes and are asked to contribute a gold coin to help with this fundraiser for Caritas’ Project Compassion.
Ms Martina O'Connell
Assistant Principal: Mission and Identity