Learning Across the 

Junior School

From the Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School

Year 3 Showcase

Last Wednesday, parents attended a showcase highlighting the Year 3 students' learning journey for this term. It was delightful to see the progress made by all the girls. Their inquiry unit has been to explore how communities have changed over time. The afternoon provided the girls with the opportunity to conduct interviews with their parents, allowing them to investigate this unit even further.


Year 6 Showcase

On Thursday, the Year 6 students showcased their Ecotourism Expo to the parents. The girls, as part of their Asian Studies unit, have explored various aspects of Asia, including geological features, weather patterns, biodiversity, historical narratives, and cultural traditions. Their focus extended to sustainability and ecotourism practices, culminating in the creation of an Ecotourism holiday package. This included fact sheets, detailed itineraries, captivating advertisements, and accommodation plans, all of which could be experienced firsthand through models and even virtual reality goggles. Acting as tour operators, they promoted their holidays to all who attended. Congratulations, Year 6s - what a wonderful display of intrepid research and critical and creative thinking! 

Year 5 Camp – Roonka Water Activity Centre

The Year 5 students had such a wonderful time on their camp this week at Roonka, a campsite near Blanchetown, which is situated on the Murray River.  This camp offered the girls the valuable chance to step out of the classroom and experience hands-on learning experiences, which play an important role in the holistic development of students. While at this camp, we saw huge growth in areas such as self-confidence, independence, resilience, and social awareness while exploring and learning new skills. I would just like to thank all the teachers who made this such an amazing experience for all the girls.  

Movie Night

We are all getting very excited about the Junior School Movie Night on Wednesday 10 April, from 5pm to 7pm in the Junior School Hall. This is an initiative suggested by our Year 6 student leaders. The movie shown will be Peter Rabbit, a G-rated film.  

This event aligns with our SEAD Framework: Making Friends, being a good friend, and being inclusive of others. Please don’t forget to book a ticket, registrations close on the 7 April.  This event is for the students in Reception to Year 6. All funds raised will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. 

Please see the link below: 

Humanitix link here.


Ms Lisa Sexton

Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School


Term 1 - Receptions

Our Reception children are well and truly settled into school life at Loreto. This year, we have welcomed many girls and their families to the Junior School, and we are so proud of how seamless their transition to school life has been, a result of our successful transition program completed last year.  A SEAD priority has been the children’s sense of identity and belonging and our days have been filled with exploring our enriching learning environment, establishing routines, sharing all about what makes us unique and developing respect and appreciation for our differences. Through engagement with picture books, role play and games, and meeting with our Pre-School Buddies and a lovely Teddy Bears’ Picnic with the Year 12 girls, we are developing connections with others. We are learning that through questioning, photos, toys, and other artefacts, we can learn more about our family histories and we are also learning all about letter sounds and how to use them to read and write. Each day we are building our counting skills to accurately count to 10. What a start to school!

Josephine De Angelis

Reception Teacher