Hello, from Art

At the end of each term, students in grades 3-6 participate in Gallery Week. This is when they share a project they have been working on in art classes this term and give each other feedback about this artwork. Many of the students have been working on these projects for multiple weeks.
In term 1, some students worked in pairs or small groups and some students worked on individual projects. In term 2, students are expected to work on individual projects.
In their sketchbooks, students draw up the feedback page. The double page is divided into four parts. In one section, students write the title of their artwork and an artist statement - a short paragraph of information they want to share with their audience about their art. The other three sections are for students to write their feedback, using the TAG system:
T = tell the artist something you like about their work.
A = ask the artist a question about their work.
G = give the artist a suggestion of what they could add to their artwork or what they could do next.
Students display their artwork with their books beside it on the tables in the art room, then take a pencil and walk around the room like they are in a gallery and view the artworks. They leave positive comments in the books for the artists to reflect on later.
The grade 5/6 students have been doing this each term for the last 2-3 years so they are very familiar with how it works. It was new for the grade 3/4 students. We have been discussing it since week 1 of term 1, so they knew it was coming and now in term 2 they have a better understanding of how it works and what is expected of them.
Below are photos of the students artwork and their books. Some have feedback written on them, some don’t, depending on when I had the opportunity to photograph them.
Grade 5/6C
Grade 5/6 WP
Grade 3/4B
Grade 3/4K
Grade 3/4M-B