Library News

New Books
There's always something new for our students to read in our school library.
We are privileged to be able to add new books to our collection each week.
We have new book displays where the students can see what's just been catalogued for them to read. We encourage them to browse in the library and find something they might enjoy.
Our library has a subscription to add new and exciting books from Australian authors twice a term, there are many books donated by families, and we also get to choose new books from Scholastic via our points gathered through the Book Club purchases you make.
We are very grateful for all these opportunties to cater for our students reading needs and are always happy to hear from them what they would like to read for enjoyment, as well as adding some great information books to encourage broader thinking and research about the world they live in.
Happy reading one and all!
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge (VPRC)
The Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge has begun for 2024 and is something you can encourage your children to complete to assist with the joy of reading. The challenge runs until September and everyone who completes it receives a Certificate of Achievement in Term 4.
Students in Foundation to Year 2 are challenged to read or experience 30 books. For students in Years 3 to 6, the challenge is to read 15 books.
The idea is to log the books the students read on the VPRC website, encouraging them to choose some books from the Challenge list to expand their usual reading preferences, as well as some of their own choice. They can also a publish a book review if they would like to. Students will need a username and password to do this, and these are being sent home this week. The class teachers also have a copy if these are lost.
For more information, head to the official website:
If you have any questions or problems logging in, please contact me via email on and I will respond ASAP.
I hope many students will get involved and enjoy their reading,
Di Hendriks
St.Joseph's School Library.