Student Wellbeing

Mrs Rebecca Beveridge

What a wonderful term we have had at St Joe's! I cannot believe there is only one more week to go! I wish you all a wonderful and hopeful restful holidays and many wonderful celebrations for the Easter Season!

Upcoming Wellbeing Incursions

Next Term we have a few upcoming wellbeing incursions that we are looking forward to!


The first incursion we have will be for the grade 5/6 classes and this will be part 1 of 2. This wellbeing incursion will be run by The Reach Foundation. The Reach Foundationconnect young people to create a sense of social belonging, have breakthrough conversations and build emotional resilience/ courage. Their workshops are 100% led by young people and are designed and delivered by them. There will be two parts to the workshop. One will be on Tuesday 23rd April which will be all about peer connections working towards building a positive peer dynamic within the classroom and building empathy, curiosity and understanding of others. Part 2 will be in Term 3 and this will focus on Team building.


We then have a whole school wellbeing incursion booked on Monday 17th June from a group called Brainstorm Productions. This is a live performance that provides all students with practical skills for resilience, positive connections and emotional health. This focuses a lot on Cyber Safety. This is a great follow-up to the e-safety information sessions we had for last year. 


We have a few other incursions we are looking into for students in F-4. We will notify you when these are confirmed. 

Harmony Day

This week in Friendship Groups we celebrated Harmony Day by creating a collaborative piece of art acknowledging our individuality. It is really important to be Respectful of everyone for who they are and we are really proud of St Joes for creating a community that loves and cares for one another!


'Everyone in our school belongs'