News from 5/6

Twilight Sports
A big congratulations to the Year 6 House Captains who were there on the night to lead their house through the different activities, score and cheer on their peers. A very special thank you to those Year 5 students who stepped up into a leadership position and did a fantastic job. Well done!
St Patrick's Day Mass
Last Friday, the Year 6s made their way into Melbourne to attend the St Patrick's Day Mass at the Cathedral. The students showed reverence during the service and afterwards, danced their hearts out at the concert in the park! They were even treated with a Slurpee from 7/11!
Over the last couple of weeks, the Year 5 students completed their NAPLAN tests. Well done to everyone for being responsible and resilient during testing time.
Dr Suess Day Colouring Competition
Congratulations to Sam and Lexi for winning the Dr Suess Day Colouring Competition! You can find their work and all of the other fantastic entries in the library. Well done!
Parent/Child Adolescent Information Evening
Thank you to those families who participated in the Information Evening via Zoom on Monday night. It was informative and engaging and it was fantastic to see parents and their children discussing the information being presented together. Please look out for the Parent Information Pack to be emailed shortly.
Harmony Day
During Harmony Day, the 5/6s focussed on migration to Australia and the reasons why people migrate here. We looked at the difference between Refugees and Migrants and some fantastic discussions took place. We will be presenting our findings at assembly next week.
Coming Up
Wednesday 27th March - District Athletics at Upper Yarra
Thursday 28th March - Last Day of School. Easter Hat Parade (8:45am) and Easter Raffle drawn