News from Three/Four

Assembly last week
Grade 3/4 presented a wonderful assembly last week to the school community. It was great to see some students going well out of their comfort zone to present their work. Students were asked to choose a recently completed task that they felt was their 'best work', and it was lovely to see a wide selection of writing, art and maths chosen. Here is the work shared, if you were unable to attend.
The One and Only Ivan
Today we have finished our class novel "The One and Only Ivan". We have been reading the story together each day for the past few weeks, with all students participating in the shared out-loud reading. Students have also used this text to practise their fluency reading with a partner each day - focusing on expression and appropriate pace. Students have written simple and compound sentences, and character maps and studied some of the vocabulary used in this novel. The children have really enjoyed the story of Ivan and his friends. We hope to view the movie next week to finish off our unit. Please keep your eye out for an Operoo form coming home regarding this.